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 Subject: RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT?
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   08-08-2001 00:45

Ok, thanks for the link. I dont have AES 4.1 I dont think, so I will look in a bit.

I did try to compare the systems actually, but I gave up.

This is what I did ( more of less ):-

I ran the LINES.APP program from MultiTOS.
This will give me a basic visual idea of the speed.

I created a folder J: emp
( This was a Folder I filled up to 10MB with rubbish, just to test the speed of Magic )

I then proceeded to archive the folder with LHarc030.ttp

Loaded Papyrus 8 ( with a 143k Doc )
CAB 2.5 ( With my homepage )
Open up the web page source with QED 3.9

I then iconized the open windows, and highlighted all the images in


and opened them up into GEMVIEW 3

By now, the lines program was almost showing the system was starting to slow down, and it would stop whenever the disk was accessing. for some reason, I cannot have any background DMA at all on the TT.

Now, the system was not slowing up by any ammount that is actually worth mentioning, but it was definitely slower than normal, so I had to give it a job that does slow it down, so, I open up another papyrus window, and loaded my large dictionary file ( 1.6MB with just words - ASCII ) and I proceeded to search for single spaces, and convert them to " # " ( space hash space ) Now, this does pretty much kill the whole system down a massive ammount.

I now noticed that windows dont like swapping between each other in less than about 2 seconds.

I then started to archive my midifiles folder. This was 103mb at the time.

I brought up all the windows again, and made the window the topmost, and it was jerky, but still it moved at a fairly respectable pace, so I loaded SPEEDOM, and the small bar was now at 40-45%.

I gave up on the archiving, because by this time, I had archived 387 out of 12878 files from J: and 62 out of 1267 files in the MidiFiles folder


Now, lets see how MultiTOS did the same jobs.

I ran
The archive of J: was started, no problems
Papyrus 8 started up, and now the system slowed down massively, but was still useable.

swapping between windows was pretty awful though

CAB 2.5 was next, and I had enough time to actually go and make a cup of coffee!

I came back, made a fag ( roll-up )

the page finished loading and was now displaying the homepage.

I tried to right click to display the menu to let me view the source... It took nearly 15 seconds to display the menu, well, at least 10 anyway!

QED loaded up eventually, and it took something in the region of 30 - 40 seconds.

I actually thought the system had hung for some time, but the mouse was still moving, so I gave it the benefit of the doubt, and waited... and waited...

Now I should have tried to show all the images in GEMView, but I decided that I had proved to myself which one would be usefull.

Sorry, but in my case, Magic is far faster, and far better in all cases, except one!


I cannot even pretent to say that Magic is compatible.

Its not!

However, there is a massive number of files that load under Magic, than TOS or MiNT wont do, so I am happy about that!

Another point though, under GEMBench, have you actually seen the reults when the system is doing nothing?

Before you even do anything, MTOS is already giving me figures of about half the speed of standard TOS.

In fact, the STE running Magic, is faster than the Falcon running MiNT!

Again of course, this is down to the AES.

I will be getting this AES 4.1 downloaded in a bit.

I will still keep trying to get XaAES, and/or OaAESis running of course ( Whether one of these is AES 4.1 I will find out wont I? )

But, I will stick to my claims that Magic wipes the bum of MiNT on my system, I may just fork out for NAES, but only if I see that the others do give me some improvement. otherwise I wont waste my money.

Actually, a good & bad point about MiNT, is that it does run under GEMulator better than Magic does, because it allows me to use the Virtual HD's - magic does not! - Geneva also allows me to do this, but I dont like Geneva as much as MiNT.

Anyway, I have gone on long enough now.

Thanks for the link, I am NOT trying to put MiNT down, or even try to put Magic up, even though lets be honest, it does look that way, but I am being realistic.

 Topics Author  Date
  Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-07-2001 00:08 
   RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new The Paranoid 08-07-2001 17:05 
    RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Mintboy 08-07-2001 19:28 
     RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-07-2001 20:55 
      RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-07-2001 20:59 
       RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Anders Eriksson 08-07-2001 22:20 
        RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT?  FatRakoon 08-08-2001 00:45 
         RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Anders Eriksson 08-08-2001 12:29 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 19:53 
        RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 01:01 
         RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Adam Klobukowski 08-08-2001 12:09 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 19:32 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 20:25 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-10-2001 03:02 
         RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Anders Eriksson 08-08-2001 12:14 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 20:29 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-11-2001 04:02 
   RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Nick 08-10-2001 07:11 
    RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-10-2001 19:53 
     RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Nick 08-11-2001 10:09 
      RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-11-2001 22:03 
       RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Nick 08-11-2001 23:46 

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