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 Subject: RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT?
Author: Anders Eriksson (
Date:   08-08-2001 12:29

>I ran the LINES.APP program from MultiTOS.
>This will give me a basic visual idea of
>the speed.

No it doesn't, only the AES speed. And you used the oldest and slowest AES available.

>I created a folder J: emp( This was a
>Folder I filled up to 10MB with rubbish,
>just to test the speed of Magic )

If you should compare filesystems speed, then you should use the fast MiNT filesystems available, not the old TOSFS. Your way of testing things is using the best MagiC setup and the worst MiNT setup.

>Sorry, but in my case, Magic is far faster, >and far better in all cases

Sorry no, you never touched the important bits. Like what software is available, network solutions (might get better in magic once the mintnet port is more established), filesystems (no, vfat doesn't cut it), remote login, stability and flexibility to mention a few things that I value much more than a quick AES. Not saying that N.AES is slow, becuase it isn't.

For example, a system with no SSH-client available goes right out of the door immediately. Another important thing is a good terminal emulator to run programs in, vt52 in MagiC is a joke. And, virtual console terminals is something that is extremly useful, especially if you need killing of a program that has stalled the AES. Just switch screen to a virtual console, log in, kill it and switch back to the AES.

I could go on for a long time.

Anders Eriksson

 Topics Author  Date
  Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-07-2001 00:08 
   RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new The Paranoid 08-07-2001 17:05 
    RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Mintboy 08-07-2001 19:28 
     RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-07-2001 20:55 
      RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-07-2001 20:59 
       RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Anders Eriksson 08-07-2001 22:20 
        RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 00:45 
         RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT?  Anders Eriksson 08-08-2001 12:29 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 19:53 
        RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 01:01 
         RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Adam Klobukowski 08-08-2001 12:09 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 19:32 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 20:25 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-10-2001 03:02 
         RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Anders Eriksson 08-08-2001 12:14 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 20:29 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-11-2001 04:02 
   RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Nick 08-10-2001 07:11 
    RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-10-2001 19:53 
     RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Nick 08-11-2001 10:09 
      RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-11-2001 22:03 
       RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Nick 08-11-2001 23:46 

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