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 Subject: RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT?
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   08-08-2001 19:53

Yes, the AES is the oldest, and slowest, I was unfair in that, but its the only one I have managed to get to run.

The best Magic vs the worst MiNT.

I didnt really think about that, and of course you are right there too. Maybe I should use MiniX or ext2fs when doing the test on MiNT, but then the main downfall is still back to the AES being slow more than the Filesystem - I cannot verify that until I see it for myself, as I know ext2 is bloody fast, but the last time I had a MiniX partition on my ataris, I never really gave it much thought ( The original MiNT way back in the 50's probably! - JOKE!) as I was scared of it to be honest.

Ok, no doubt MiNT does beat it there, but I have my TT talking to Linux completely invisibly now ( Thanks to bedroll ) and thats all I would need from it.

Ah well, ok, we both agree there! - the best I have come up with on Magic, is to use COMMAND.TOS from my old EASE 3.1 Disks, and lets be honest, its crap! - I have written better ( But without the multitasking ), and I will admit, I could certainly do with a good terminal.

Filesystems - VFAT in particular
Well, we both had a bit of a to-do a while back about this involving LFN's if you remember, I still have not managed to succeed in getting ANY ZIP archiver to accept them, but LZH030.TTP works wonders for me.
Again, I cannot really comment too much as my Hard drives, all now go straight into the Windows, or Linux PC, and I can do all my stuff with no effort at all now!

The ability to do this - especially to have VFAT compatible partitions is vital to me for backing up my files onto CDROM.

Yes, you told me before that MiNT is VFAT compatible, I know that, but I have not yet got it to be so.

Ok, at the end of it, yes, you could go on, and no doubt if I keep doing my "I Hate MiNT" threads, you quite likely will.

Ok, so lets cut to the chase then.

Lets just say, I have NO MINT FILES AT ALL, and I want to setup the best "FREE" MiNT system I can on my Atari.

What files would you suggest I get?

I currently have another HD set aside that I am trying MiNT out on ( rather than just MultiTOS like I have used until recently ) it has 1.14 kernel ( FreeMiNT? ) but still using GEM.SYS from M/TOS.

It is currently running on the STE ( 12MB - Mono ), with CDROM as ID 6 controled by ExtenDOS ( Dont say it )

What do you suggest I now do?

 Topics Author  Date
  Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-07-2001 00:08 
   RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new The Paranoid 08-07-2001 17:05 
    RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Mintboy 08-07-2001 19:28 
     RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-07-2001 20:55 
      RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-07-2001 20:59 
       RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Anders Eriksson 08-07-2001 22:20 
        RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 00:45 
         RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Anders Eriksson 08-08-2001 12:29 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT?  FatRakoon 08-08-2001 19:53 
        RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 01:01 
         RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Adam Klobukowski 08-08-2001 12:09 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 19:32 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 20:25 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-10-2001 03:02 
         RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Anders Eriksson 08-08-2001 12:14 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 20:29 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-11-2001 04:02 
   RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Nick 08-10-2001 07:11 
    RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-10-2001 19:53 
     RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Nick 08-11-2001 10:09 
      RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-11-2001 22:03 
       RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Nick 08-11-2001 23:46 

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