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 Subject: RE: Supra Drive hard disk
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   08-08-2001 20:09


It looks like it got us there!

Ok, I knwo its going to annoy you, but try that again.

Maybe a few things need to be in plcae before we get any result, so:-

Make up a fresh, formatted floppy, with nothing on, so the system boots as quick as it can.

Make sure the HD has Terminators on it ( Quite possibly there might be a row, or 2 or 3 of S-I-L Resistors right near the SCSI Cable connection? )

Make sure the HD has been given an ID of zero


Try switching them both on at about the same time?

I seriously think, that there is some point at which you can catch it!

between when you switch the HD on, and the disk gets up to speed, there is a gap.

there is also the gap between when you switch the ST on, and it does the check for SCSI devices too!

I am sure that there is some point in this, that you can switch them on at a certian time, and get the ST to NOT see the HD, but still allow the floppy to work!

I know it a long shot, but I found that with my STE, using the TopLink Adapter, on the Quantum 540 HD, I could switch the ST on and then 2 seconds later the HD.

Switching the HD on before the 2 seconds, it would boot from the HD and run as normal, switch the HD on later, and the floppy would not work!

It will be the same for you, its just catching it at the right time!

Ok, one other thought.

Switch the HD on.

Wait for a long time... Maybe even 20 or 30 seconds - this is way over but just do it for a laugh!

Now switch the ST on!

who knows, maybe the HD needs a long time to spin up?

Does the Hd have a TOS Partition on it, or are you just trying a new HD?

I know you are getting pissed off here, but I had the same hassle when my Hd went plonk and I had to reboot from the floppy - I too could not do it.

Would it help if you sent me the disk, and I set it up for you?

I live in Wales ( UK )

 Topics Author  Date
  Supra Drive hard disk new Facundo 08-07-2001 05:50 
   RE: Supra Drive hard disk new FatRakoon 08-07-2001 21:11 
    RE: Supra Drive hard disk new Facundo 08-08-2001 16:33 
     RE: Supra Drive hard disk  FatRakoon 08-08-2001 20:09 
      RE: Supra Drive hard disk new Facundo 08-09-2001 05:19 
       RE: Supra Drive hard disk new FatRakoon 08-09-2001 21:55 

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