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 Subject: RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT?
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   08-10-2001 19:53

Seriously mate, its just not as easy as all that!

I have not long upgraded to Magic 6, and I also had Jinnee 2.5, and being on the dole, It took me long enough to save up for that, and I even had to get rid of a Mega ST4 just to do it, so coming up with even more money is not easy, just to test some software that I dont really beleive can do what Magic can.

I will give you an example of how things have gone the last few days:-

All the files I have, are in .tar.gz or .tar or .gz you know the score! - and can I get long filenames to run under MiNT? - can I buggery! and when I finally did manage it, could I extract them properly? - again, could I buggers like!

So, I have to re-boot into Magic, to let me use Long Filenames properly, and then I had to extract them with Jinnee ( By the way, does MiNT have any desktop as powerfull as Jinnee? ( hahahahahaha! )) and then re-boot back into MiNT.

And even now, while I can definitely se that MiNT does offer me a lot more potential than I thougt it would, its still rubbish, and vastly slower than Magic, so seriously what benefits would I gain from spending even more money on something I cannot really afford?

I will keep at it with OaAESis and / or XaAES, and even I am trying out the Geneva AES just for a laugh, and I have had more success with that for gods sake???

Anyway, I will keep on plodding until I either fail dismally or smash the bloody thing up!

 Topics Author  Date
  Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-07-2001 00:08 
   RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new The Paranoid 08-07-2001 17:05 
    RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Mintboy 08-07-2001 19:28 
     RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-07-2001 20:55 
      RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-07-2001 20:59 
       RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Anders Eriksson 08-07-2001 22:20 
        RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 00:45 
         RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Anders Eriksson 08-08-2001 12:29 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 19:53 
        RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 01:01 
         RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Adam Klobukowski 08-08-2001 12:09 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 19:32 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 20:25 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-10-2001 03:02 
         RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Anders Eriksson 08-08-2001 12:14 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-08-2001 20:29 
          RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-11-2001 04:02 
   RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Nick 08-10-2001 07:11 
    RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT?  FatRakoon 08-10-2001 19:53 
     RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Nick 08-11-2001 10:09 
      RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new FatRakoon 08-11-2001 22:03 
       RE: Anyone suggest a good AES for MiNT? new Nick 08-11-2001 23:46 

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