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 Subject: RE: Atari vs Amiga?
Author: Fat Rakoon (
Date:   09-04-2001 00:14

I think that infogrammes are actually changing their name to ATARI, because of the good history that ATARI once had.

I personally think this is a bit of a wild stab perhaps, but it will be good to see what comes of it.

Another big problem Ataris have, is the extremely crap specs of the machines compared to the amigas in the same price range.

Actually this is completely wrong, because Amigas are so cheap compared to Ataris you cannot really compare them.

Amiga 1200 is a 14mhz 68020 with internal IDE HD costs £70 or less. What the hell kind of atari can you buy for that much???

I know of one company who still ask £400 for a bloody ST for gods sake!

Do you know that a scottish company ( The name slips me right now ) were selling CLAB Falcons MkV complete with 14MB and a 500MB SCSI HD and CuBase Audio all for just £500!

Now, why the hell can they sell it for that much, when an Atari Supplier would ask many times more?

Thats where our problem lies... The companies who support Ataris are cashing in on gullible people who will pay their prices!

Why cant a company / person develop a simple graphics card that will just give an atari one simple screen mode like 800x600x256 so even an ST can use a good deal of the net properly?

why cant there be decent software for accessing the internet? Oh yes, there are a few examples of some software, but I have to be honest, its utter crap, the quality of software while being very good for general use, just does not cut the mustard these days, Amiga software IS better whether we like it or not. I have 2 examples of internet software, and they are both PD ( Yes, I even have the source code ) and they are both fully internet capable, one is 100% IE 4 compatible the other is not, but has plug-ins, now where the hell is java on the Atari? - What java there is, is shyte!

Now, AmigaOS 3.9 is very powerfull, and I am very impressed by it, but then again, Magic is better, and MiNT is better still, so the O/S of Atari is faster and better than any smeggin' Amiga ever is, but what use is that when the rest of the software is better?


Not all of this is entirely true by the way.

I just wanted to get a few things off my chest.

The development of Atari software is going the wrong way, we need to have a push, and we need to draw the line at such limitations of making the software work on 512k machines as is still often the case!

I am not saying that something like an adress book can only be run on a 32MB Medusa, but its about time that the ST was made to be a minimum of 4MB, there is no sad excuse these days for anythign less, I mean, with an adapter which costs £20 and the RAM which costs a fiver tops, why cant everyone who has any less, upgrade?

Its holding the future of atari back, say what you like, its the truth!

Look at how far MiNT has come? - you cannot get a good MiNT setup on anything less than 4MB.


Also remember that just because there is more forums and sites for the amiga does not necessarily mean that its a better machine?

It just means that more people bought it.

Look at the Spectrum! - it was the worst machine I know of, but yet it sold millions

Look at Windows compared to Linux too! - Windows is crap and has no power compared to Linx, and yet most people have that and not linux.

Another rant over, I am going before someone hits me.

 Topics Author  Date
  Atari vs Amiga? new Kittie 09-03-2001 21:57 
   RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Flashlabs crew 09-03-2001 23:27 
    RE: Atari vs Amiga?  Fat Rakoon 09-04-2001 00:14 
     RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Antalos 09-04-2001 04:29 
      RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Matthias Arndt 09-04-2001 10:46 
      RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-04-2001 19:59 
       RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Kittie 09-04-2001 20:56 
        RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-04-2001 22:58 
         RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Matthias Arndt 09-05-2001 09:32 
          RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Shalroth 09-05-2001 14:27 
       RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Joshua Kaijankoski 09-04-2001 22:19 
        RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-04-2001 23:00 
         RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Matthias Arndt 09-05-2001 09:33 
          RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Shalroth 09-05-2001 14:24 
           RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-05-2001 20:10 
            RE: Atari vs Amiga? new shalroth 09-06-2001 10:52 
       RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Antalos 09-06-2001 14:48 
       RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Antalos 09-06-2001 14:54 
     RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Ventzislav Tzvetkov 09-09-2001 04:43 
      RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-09-2001 07:11 
       RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Ventzislav Tzvetkov 09-09-2001 07:28 
        End of this crap new Anders Eriksson 09-09-2001 13:14 
         RE: End of this crap new Fat Rakoon 09-09-2001 19:41 
          RE: End of this crap new Ventzislav Tzvetkov 09-10-2001 07:17 
           RE: End of this crap new AmigaFan 09-11-2001 21:04 
            RE: End of this crap new Shalroth 09-12-2001 12:01 
             RE: End of this crap new AmigaFan 09-12-2001 17:45 
   RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Antalos 09-04-2001 04:12 
    RE: Atari vs Amiga? new gingerwilly17 09-07-2001 22:25 
     RE: Atari vs Amiga?!? new Flash 09-08-2001 05:07 
      RE: Atari vs Amiga?!? new Fat Rakoon 09-08-2001 14:49 
   RE: Atari vs Amiga? new The Paranoid 09-04-2001 11:05 
    RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Shalroth 09-05-2001 14:38 
     RE: Atari vs Amiga? new AmigaFan 09-05-2001 17:32 
      RE: Atari vs Amiga? new shalroth 09-06-2001 10:50 
     RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-05-2001 20:07 
      RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Chris Martin 09-05-2001 23:50 
       RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-06-2001 04:24 
        RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Kittie 09-06-2001 18:20 
     RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Antalos 09-06-2001 15:16 
   RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Adrian 09-06-2001 09:17 
    RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-06-2001 19:25 
    RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Elliot 09-10-2001 19:39 
     RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-10-2001 21:01 
   RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-12-2001 19:53 

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