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 Subject: RE: Atari vs Amiga?
Author: Fat Rakoon (
Date:   09-09-2001 07:11

Ok, I have attacked the Atari a lot in this forum, so now its time to attack the Amiga.

I own, or have owned every Atari Machine there ever was, I have also owned plenty of Amigas too ( Still do )

You said you bought the Atari and then sold it off, well, the thing is, that I also bought a bunch of Amigas, and each one has been given away, because I would not have the nerve to ask money for such a pile of cats wank!

Why is this I wonder? - For the same reason that you got rid of the ST... No bloody software

How the hell can you judge a computer when you cannot have given it its fair due?

Hey, I can get a ZX Spectrum to beat the best Athlon or Pentium is I dont have any software for the PC!

You based the ST, which was a bog-standard 68000 against your 1200 and 1000, which are both much newer than the ST, while the 1000 is probably not newer it was sold as a high end machine for the time, so why dont you compare the 1200 against a falcon, or the 1000 against the TT?

You are comparing 2 totally different class machines, thats a bit thick isnt it?

Admittedly the Demo scene of the Amiga is bigger than PC ever could be, and yes, the Amiga is better at that sort of stuff than an ST is, despite what Atarians may think, that is the sodding truth, but however, the Amiga has dedicated custom chips for that sort of stuff, so teh programmign is not all that hot, when you consider what demos there are for the ST, and what the coders have managed to get out of their machines with the hardware they have, actually makes the demos sometimes better ( I say sometimes ) - Look at what adrenaline demos do, or what about grotesque?

There are also demos on the Falcon, that I have seen, that simply piss all over Amiga demos, but then, thats not the whole plans is it?

The STE has the same sound capabilities as the Amigas do, and the Falcon leaves every Amiga shitting itself, and from comparing the SoundBlaster Live on my PC to what the Falcon can do, I am also pissed off at the PC for being crap too, so soundwise, the Amiga is still in the dark ages.
But again, this is unfair, the Falcon would have better sound, its a newer machine than the 1200 / 1000, much like they are newer than the ST - not fair is it?

As you so rightly say, there ARE more Amiga owners, far more, and that is why there is far more Demo coders, apart from the fact that they probably all realise that there is no future in serious programs on such a platform, that they end up writing useless stuff to keep themselves amused.

Enough of stupid graphics and sound crap, what about real software? why cant Amiga programmers write software that does not crash every 5 minutes? why isnt there any decent CAD / DTP / WordPro / Spreadsheet / DataBase Software for the Amiga? Oh, ok, yes, there is, quite a big choice of it too, but why is it utter drivvel compared to what there is on the Atari machines?

We can argue all we like over such utter stupid crap, about which machine beats which, like your Amigas being better than the ST, and the falcon and so on, and we could get into the clones too ( Dont start it off again ) but without good software to push the machines, the machines will never be any good, the software is improving every day, with WB3.9 on the Amiga being pretty effing good I have to admit, and Magic, and MiNT on the Ataris being nothing like what they started out as, the systems are getting to be on-par with each other now.

With the machines and software reaching a peak, it seems to me that they will both hit the top at the same time, and both will be as capable of doing one job as the other, mine beats yours, tomorrow, yours will beat mine, the days after... and so on.

We are both in the same boat.

One last thing before I go


Take that as a joke - Its meant to be one!

 Topics Author  Date
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    RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-04-2001 00:14 
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      RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Matthias Arndt 09-04-2001 10:46 
      RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-04-2001 19:59 
       RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Kittie 09-04-2001 20:56 
        RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-04-2001 22:58 
         RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Matthias Arndt 09-05-2001 09:32 
          RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Shalroth 09-05-2001 14:27 
       RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Joshua Kaijankoski 09-04-2001 22:19 
        RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-04-2001 23:00 
         RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Matthias Arndt 09-05-2001 09:33 
          RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Shalroth 09-05-2001 14:24 
           RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-05-2001 20:10 
            RE: Atari vs Amiga? new shalroth 09-06-2001 10:52 
       RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Antalos 09-06-2001 14:48 
       RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Antalos 09-06-2001 14:54 
     RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Ventzislav Tzvetkov 09-09-2001 04:43 
      RE: Atari vs Amiga?  Fat Rakoon 09-09-2001 07:11 
       RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Ventzislav Tzvetkov 09-09-2001 07:28 
        End of this crap new Anders Eriksson 09-09-2001 13:14 
         RE: End of this crap new Fat Rakoon 09-09-2001 19:41 
          RE: End of this crap new Ventzislav Tzvetkov 09-10-2001 07:17 
           RE: End of this crap new AmigaFan 09-11-2001 21:04 
            RE: End of this crap new Shalroth 09-12-2001 12:01 
             RE: End of this crap new AmigaFan 09-12-2001 17:45 
   RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Antalos 09-04-2001 04:12 
    RE: Atari vs Amiga? new gingerwilly17 09-07-2001 22:25 
     RE: Atari vs Amiga?!? new Flash 09-08-2001 05:07 
      RE: Atari vs Amiga?!? new Fat Rakoon 09-08-2001 14:49 
   RE: Atari vs Amiga? new The Paranoid 09-04-2001 11:05 
    RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Shalroth 09-05-2001 14:38 
     RE: Atari vs Amiga? new AmigaFan 09-05-2001 17:32 
      RE: Atari vs Amiga? new shalroth 09-06-2001 10:50 
     RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-05-2001 20:07 
      RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Chris Martin 09-05-2001 23:50 
       RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-06-2001 04:24 
        RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Kittie 09-06-2001 18:20 
     RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Antalos 09-06-2001 15:16 
   RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Adrian 09-06-2001 09:17 
    RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-06-2001 19:25 
    RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Elliot 09-10-2001 19:39 
     RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-10-2001 21:01 
   RE: Atari vs Amiga? new Fat Rakoon 09-12-2001 19:53 

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