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 Subject: RE: Appz for Atari
Author: Shalroth (
Date:   09-12-2001 11:58

Not quite true - DOS is still present in Win Me, it's just hidden from view. It's no longer possible to boot to a DOS prompt, or Restart in DOS mode, but only because those options have been removed. Windows STILL makes calls to the DOS to store and retrieve files, and for Interrupt handlers (INT 0x13 springs to mind)

DOS is the operating system, Windows is a just a graphical front end and a set of API procedures. You can write programs for windows, fine, but on the Atari - GEM is not the operating system, TOS is. All of this is still true, even in Windows Me.

Now, Windows NT *is* an operating system. Running of DOS programs on NT is done through a DOS Virtual Machine (like an emulator). Once NT has loaded, all file access is done through 32-bit driver modules.

Like the dude says, try removing 'MSDOS.SYS' and see how far you get. Or HIMEM.SYS - DOS imposed the 640K limit, not the PC architecture, so there would be no need for a 'High Memory Driver' right?

Ignore me, I'm just an underpaid systems engineer...

 Topics Author  Date
  Appz for Atari new dideldu 09-05-2001 18:15 
   RE: Appz for Atari new TXG 09-05-2001 18:50 
   RE: Appz for Atari new Fat Rakoon 09-05-2001 20:56 
    RE: Appz for Atari new shalroth 09-06-2001 10:41 
     RE: Appz for Atari new dideldu 09-07-2001 01:09 
      RE: Appz for Atari new Tito Teclado 09-07-2001 13:38 
   RE: Appz for Atari new MrAtari 09-10-2001 19:24 
    RE: Appz for Atari new Kalle Kula 09-11-2001 02:59 
     RE: Appz for Atari new Daniel Gustafsson 09-11-2001 08:47 
      RE: Appz for Atari new Fat Rakoon 09-11-2001 22:56 
       RE: Appz for Atari new Kalle Kula 09-12-2001 04:59 
       RE: Appz for Atari  Shalroth 09-12-2001 11:58 
        RE: Appz for Atari new Fat Rakoon 09-12-2001 19:45 
         End of discussion new Daniel Gustafsson 09-12-2001 19:53 
         RE: Appz for Atari new Fat Rakoon 09-12-2001 22:14 

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