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 Subject: RE: cd32 games goin cheap!
Author: Fat Rakoon (
Date:   09-19-2001 02:44

Actually my brother had the CD32 ( I was Atari, he was Amiga - just to hasle each other more than anything )

And the CD32 actualyl had tons of games for it.

Yes, quite a large number were a bit poo, but I think there was a hell of a lot of others that were brilliant!

Better than most of the stuff I had on the Falcon anyway, and I dont like to say that, but its true.

 Topics Author  Date
  cd32 games goin cheap! new Amigaboy 09-17-2001 17:30 
   RE: cd32 games goin cheap! new Atariboy 09-17-2001 22:31 
    RE: cd32 games goin cheap! new MacBloke 09-18-2001 04:32 
     RE: cd32 games goin cheap! new Thomas Wellicome 09-18-2001 20:14 
      RE: cd32 games goin cheap!  Fat Rakoon 09-19-2001 02:44 
       RE: cd32 games goin cheap! new Shalroth 09-20-2001 10:34 
        RE: cd32 games goin cheap! new Fat Rakoon 09-22-2001 03:34 

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