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 Subject: RE: BeOS (going like the Atari scene?)
Author: Fat Rakoon (
Date:   09-21-2001 19:43

Yes, perhaps.

I know nothign about BeOS, I have it for Windows and for Linux PCs but I have not done all that much with it other than to look at it do nothing, and then I wipe it off!!!

As far as I am aware though, even though its not truly supported anymore, the programmers were in talks with someone/something/copmany about making it Open Source, much like how Linux is???

The idea behind that, is for it to obviously get the development and support much like Linux has, ( by the people ) who write the code as they want it rather than as the company say they do ( Like MS )

Whether there is a future in this for BeOS, then the users have yet to see.

AS for Atari, I think that we are certainly half way to it being open source.

The 2 main Operating systems are undoubtedly, Magic and MiNT, and while Magic is commercial ( Application systems ), MiNT on the other Hand is PD ( Is it? - I think it is! ) and I do know the source is fully available on the net, for others to help develop it, and look how far MiNT has come since it was first developed! - its possibly every bit as powerfull as Linux, its certainly better in some ways, as it can run on very slow machines, and give you full GEM, while X on a PC is very limited with slower machines.

Interesting thoughts maybe?

I for one fully support the release of old code for anything... There will always be someone who is willing to at least look at the code, and I can guarantee, that when someone does look at old code, with new ideas, thay can more often that not, improve the program in some way or another. ( Usually speed by compacting code )

Ah well, I dare say it wont happen, too many people are too selfish with their code, even the obsolete stuff, and this will eventually force the Atari into a much earlier grave than it needs to be.

 Topics Author  Date
  BeOS (going like the Atari scene?) new asteroid 09-21-2001 13:36 
   RE: BeOS (going like the Atari scene?) new Fat Rakoon 09-21-2001 19:43 
   RE: BeOS (going like the Atari scene?)  Fat Rakoon 09-21-2001 19:43 
    RE: BeOS (going like the Atari scene?) new Shalroth 09-24-2001 16:35 

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