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 Subject: RE: Atari Clones..Why?
Author: Fat Rakoon (
Date:   09-24-2001 23:17

You must also remember that emulators only actually do ST Emulation.

There isnt a single Emulator in the world that emulates a Falcon, and what the falcon can do.

While GEMulator can do TT if you have the card and REAL TT ROMS, its still sucks compared to the real TT ( Yes, I have TOS 3.6 Chips in my GemCard ) and while yes, the idea of Emulation being fast, its still lacking in a lot of things, that my real TT has. I cant quite put my finger on it, but its very lame in comparison, so I stick to the TT.

Its not a matter of the atari doing things that a PC cant, but ( I think ) more a matter of how they do it.

In my case, The whole feel of Atari, running Magic and Jinnee is far superior to how Windows feels, this makes all the difference to me.

Also in terms of speed I have always found that to be a bit of a duff point. I know everyone says that an Emulated ST runs faster than ANY Clone, but then this is NOT entirely a better solution!

Under Emulation, what have you got? a very fast ST. Yes, You can run a small VGA program to give you a better screen mode, even as much as 1600x1200 but still only 16 colours, while this is all very well, you still cant do half the stuff that you could on a real atari.

No emulator even comes close to the functionality of a Real Clone either, who the hell said that was in my books, lying.

Midi Does not happen on Emulation. I think Steem can do it? GEMulator does NOT.

As soon as I come across an enulator that can do anythign the Falcon can do, I will take emulation more seriously, but until then, Emulation is just a novelty.

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     RE: Atari Clones..Why? new Shane 09-24-2001 21:03 
      RE: Atari Clones..Why?  Fat Rakoon 09-24-2001 23:17 
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       RE: Atari Clones..Yeah! new Shane 09-25-2001 04:03 
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         RE: Atari Clones..Yeah! new Shane 09-25-2001 14:11 
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           RE: Atari Clones (Doing one) new Shane 09-25-2001 16:53 
            RE: Atari Clones (Doing one) new Fat Rakoon 09-25-2001 19:41 
             RE: Atari Clones (Doing one) new Shane 09-25-2001 21:06 
              RE: Atari Clones (Doing one) new Fat Rakoon 09-27-2001 21:19 
             RE: Atari Clones (Doing one) new Shalroth 09-26-2001 12:21 
            RE: Atari Clones (Doing one) new christos 09-26-2001 00:25 
             RE: Atari Clones (Doing one) new Shane 09-26-2001 00:34 
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          RE: Atari Clones..Well... new Flash/FLC 09-27-2001 16:25 
           RE: Atari Clones..Well... new Fat Rakoon 09-27-2001 21:37 
            RE: Atari Clones..Well... new FLC 09-27-2001 22:57 
        RE: Atari Clones..Why? new Fat Rakoon 09-27-2001 21:32 
       RE: Atari Clones..Why? new Fat Rakoon 09-27-2001 21:32 
        RE: Atari Clones..Why? new Vido 09-28-2001 10:12 
        RE: Atari Clones..Why? new Hugo Lowenstein 10-02-2001 01:27 

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