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 Subject: RE: Damaged my MEGA STe ! HELP!
Author: LST (
Date:   09-25-2001 16:15

Hi Parris, that's no luck at all for your MSTE..

Concerning the SCSI drives, just check that the new one (which be old in fact) is SCSI-1 compliant (not SCSI-2 or Ultrawide and so on). Due to TOS limitations, you can't put big drives - and big partitions - except if you have an utility called BigDOS. I used a 540 Mb SCSI drive for years (before it died) and it worked very nice. I'm not sure about multi-gigabytes SCSI-1 drives, and I'm not sure too they ever existed! ;)

For the dip-switches, well, I used to try all combinations, as I also have an antique Atari SH205 (20 Mb...) plugged at the back of my MSTE. One should fit (in my case, there was two combinations, as the first put the internal hard disk as SCSI ID0 and the SH205 as ID1, and vice-versa).

Hope this helps a bit..


 Topics Author  Date
  Damaged my MEGA STe ! HELP! new Parris 09-25-2001 15:17 
   RE: Damaged my MEGA STe ! HELP!  LST 09-25-2001 16:15 
    RE: Damaged my MEGA STe ! HELP! new Parris 09-25-2001 22:31 
     RE: Damaged my MEGA STe ! HELP! new LST 09-25-2001 22:55 
      RE: Damaged my MEGA STe ! HELP! new Jan Thomas 09-26-2001 14:45 
       RE: Damaged my MEGA STe ! HELP! new Parris 09-26-2001 21:16 

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