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 Subject: RE: why did hasbro bother
Author: Matt (
Date:   04-23-2000 17:25

What total and utter bullshit Enix have you ever looked inside the Jaguar because if you had and had a good look you will see that the Jaguar is definetily superiour to the Playstaion(which is a great machine), Nintendo 64 (which is highly overrated), Sega Saturn (which is highly underrated), Amiga CD32(not so good but you can use it like a normal Amiga and play all your normal Amiga games if you got the right equiment for it which is a plus for anyboby who has or once had an Amiga), 3D0 (which is also underrated but not as good as a Saturn or Playstation), and the Phillips CD-i also any I forgot. I can say this because I have got a Playstation, Nintendo 64, and a Sega Saturn and the others I either had one, somebody I know has/had one, or I have compared the specs with the other machine I either got the specs off the internet from different sites or from different magazines biased and non-biased.
Atari had another console in the works called the Jaguar 2 which was 128 bits and it were able to realease it just a few months after the Playstaion and Saturn were released but because of financial problems (thanks to the Tramiels, who were using Atari as a yoyo and only releasing machines when Atari was low) it wasn't released. If Hasbro doesn't release the Jaguar 2 or a new console under the Atari name and with the quality behind the name then the best console I've heard about is VM labs Nuon Project X which is being designed/made by Richard Miller who designed/made the Jaguar and Jeff Minter is also working with him (known for his zany Llama games, Defender, etc.) to find some specs about it look at VM labs website or type Project X into a search engine or look at websites for some of the video game's magazine but VM labs is not saying a great deal about the machine) The other new machines are Nintendo Dolphin (which seems to be a great machine- it will have a G3 processor in it but the hardware will so sophisticated that Mac will have problems running the game but some games you will be able to play as long as you have a DVD player and at least a 400Mhz G3 processor) Playstation 2 (great machine but still having a lot of problems)
Indrema (not sure but it sounds great will run on Linux), Microsoft X-Box (not sure, Microsoft are normally good in the hardware department but not so good in having software that works well I guess we have to wait and see), Sega Dreamcast (a lot of people think Sega should have used DVD but it is impossible to copy GD-Roms and they will also be releasing a Dreamcast 2 which has DVD, I'm not sure about the Dremcast). With this new generation of console it is not that easy to compare them because there all so different especially when it comes to the processor speed due to different processors which a speed on their processor might say a lower Mhz than another it doesn't it's slower in fact it might be the total opposite eg. the processor in the Nintendo Dolphin is a 400Mhz G3 proccesor which is faster than Indrema 600Mhz Intel processor.

What Enix said about the LYNX is also bullshit because the Gameboy Color is worse than the Sega Gamegear and PC Engine Handheld and about the Neo Geo Pocket II, are you talking about the Neo Geo Pocket II (the 32 bit handheld) that is meant to link up to the Playstation 2 if you are then I don't see that happening becuase the Neo Geo Pocket I hasn't been around a long time and that would just piss off third party companies unless they made compatible with the Neo Geo Pocket I but I haven't seen any thing from there website or any more from magazines and also haven't heard much more about it. I thought the Neo Geo Pocket was going to be real great when I first heard about them but wasn't quite sure about the price because I know they can make great machines and games but the home console was expensive so that was why I wasn't quite sure about price and when it came close to being released I deicded I will buy one it because I knew by this time it wasn't going to be pricey but when they did come out I went to Electronic Boutique and tried it out I was amazed to find out the graphics weren't as good as my LYNX so I decided to put it off for a while but I did buy one so instead of lending my LYNX to people I lend them the Neo Geo Pocket instead but they still prefer the LYNX's graphics but due to the lack of games they rather play the Neo Geo Pocket but that is about to change the LYNX library will double by the end of the year since Hasbro allowed the public to create games for the LYNX. I already compared the specs between the LYNX & Neo Geo Pocket and the LYNX kicks arse in most but where it does't much to do with the ability of the machine.

 Topics Author  Date
  why did hasbro bother new carmel_andrews 10-15-1999 20:44 
   RE: why did hasbro bother new Enix 02-24-2000 13:56 
    RE: why did hasbro bother  Matt 04-23-2000 17:25 

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