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 Subject: RE: Who has the rights for the Atari hardware?
Author: AEX (
Date:   06-04-2003 19:15

Infogrames own the hardware rights.

They own all properties and patents on the hardware and software, covered by Atari Corp. (1984-1996), and additional patents and properties from Atari Inc. are also included up to 1984, except Atari Games, which became part of Midway Games. However, ertain properties within that portfolio have been sold to various third parties over the last 20 years.

If you need to discuss licencing terms, contact me via e-mail and we will put you in touch with the relevant people.

Karl (EU) (US)
Atari Historical Society

 Topics Author  Date
  Who has the rights for the Atari hardware? new J.O. Aho 06-03-2003 20:05 
   RE: Who has the rights for the Atari hardware? new Anders Eriksson 06-04-2003 16:39 
    RE: Who has the rights for the Atari hardware?  AEX 06-04-2003 19:15 
     RE: Who has the rights for the Atari hardware? new J.O. Aho 06-04-2003 19:29 
   RE: Who has the rights for the Atari hardware? new tero 06-06-2003 14:09 
    RE: Who has the rights for the Atari hardware? new Nate Downes 06-08-2003 21:10 
     RE: Who has the rights for the Atari hardware? new Nate Downes 06-08-2003 21:37 
      RE: Who has the rights for the Atari hardware? new J.O. Aho 07-06-2003 21:08 
   RE: Who has the rights for the Atari hardware? new Ragstaff 06-06-2003 15:23 
    RE: Who has the rights for the Atari hardware? new AEX 06-07-2003 05:32 
     RE: Who has the rights for the Atari hardware? new tero 06-07-2003 12:35 
      RE: Who has the rights for the Atari hardware? new AEX 06-07-2003 21:58 

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