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 Subject: 030/040 -> 060
Author: Evan Langlois (
Date:   07-03-2000 07:31

OK, Is the 030 and 040 pin compatible?

What I want to do is replace a 25Mhz 68040 with an 060 based system. I can NOT change the bus speed at all, its at 25Mhz, period. So the upgrade board should plug into an 040 socket at 25Mhz. The CPU itself will have to run much faster, and I would hope have a faster-than-25Mhz bus to an on-board second-level cache to buffer the slower bus.

What I want to know is what upgrades are available? If the 030 and 040 are pin compatible, then I assume any upgrade for an 030 would work in upgrading an 040. Also, any 040 upgrades that will upgrade a 25Mhz 040 to say .. will they go to 50Mhz? .. should be ok, depending on price.

This is not for a Mac, Amiga, or Atari, but I know the Atari community is fairly smart and it always looking for new ways to upgrade the 68k machines, so I figured someone here might be able to point me to specific products.

If anyone is interested, this is for a NeXT (color workstation) that I'm working on porting Linux to. I bought the NeXT for the 21" color hitachi monitor I have connected to my PC (running linux/gnome at 1440x960 via a Voodoo Banshee card - with OpenGL acceleration via Mesa (with 3dnow and 3dfx acceleration from the Glide library), runs Q3T, Heretic2, and Unreal Tournament nicely without switching to Windblows - although I rarely play them. I could get the resolution higher but the 3dfx cards won't interlace - interlacing would allow me to keep the 61Khz horizontal scan, up the refresh, and get more lines vertical, and I could maybe go a lil higher on the horizontal).

 Topics Author  Date
  030/040 -> 060  Evan Langlois 07-03-2000 07:31 

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