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 Subject: RE: ST chip remix collection
Author: Tobias Jansson (
Date:   04-01-2007 17:00

Thanks Anders!

I have some discussions with a record label, not because I want to make money, coz there is no money in a project like this, more because I would really like to have released a "real" CD. But if the company decides not to release it I will go "public domain".. or maybe postcard ware ;) I have a professional studio that will do the mastering for me and it would be nice to at least get that money back. I will keep you all updated.

Thanks again!

 Topics Author  Date
  ST chip remix collection new Tobias Jansson 04-01-2007 12:35 
   RE: ST chip remix collection new Anders Eriksson 04-01-2007 16:23 
    RE: ST chip remix collection  Tobias Jansson 04-01-2007 17:00 
     RE: ST chip remix collection new Tobias 05-04-2007 13:21 
      RE: ST chip remix collection new Gerry 06-14-2007 23:15 

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