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 Subject: Help with EtherNEC Mint, Magxnet, or Sting
Author: Crash (
Date:   06-27-2007 05:52

I'm rusty, but still finding the process of getting Ethernet working to be extremely difficult. I'm using an EtherNEC adapter and card. My computer is an Atari Falcon030 with a CT60 accelerator.

The closest I could get to functioning was with Sting, where I could ping within my network router, but apparently could not communicate with the gateway or resolve. I could login to a local FTP server, but couldn't get any directory listings.

Because I could ping some machines and login to ftp, I assume that the card and cabling are working ok.

Magxnet shows no sign of being functional, and I can't determine any way to troubleshoot. I've followed the instructions that I can find, but it doesn't do anything I can detect.

Mint is what I'm working on right now, and have installed the Easymint distribution. The problem is that the device driver is probably not installed or configured correctly.

During configuration, I get prompted for the name of the interface, and it has ne0 entered. Other configuration files refer to both en0 and ne0, and I am guessing that only one of these are correct.

How can I verify that the network adapter is configured correctly?

The installation process prompted for the NIC driver, but didn't seem to do anything. I manually copied the driver to the /boot/modules/net directory, made it executable, and verified that is is listed with the drivers -a command.

I've entered a series of commands in the startup scripting with the ifconfig commands:

ifconfig en0 addr netmask up
route add
route add default en0 gw

I'm referring to the following document for guidance:

I have tried re-installing the entire Easymint package several times, while setting all of the references to the ethernet card to either ne0 or en0 - neither seems to work.

The enec3.xif driver that I am using has the string en0 inside it, so I assume this is the correct way to refer to this driver (as opposed to ne0, rtk0, etc...)

I still can't ping or anything else in Mint.

I would be thankful if anyone can recommend Mint compatible internet tools (ping, tracert, resolve, etc) that are not command line oriented. I do not wish to use command line software if I can use GEM driven programs instead.

It seems that each method of internet access (Sting, Magxnet, Mint(net) uses its own internet tools; is it correct that these cannot be used interchangeably with others (such as Sting Tracert with Mint)?

Does anyone have a working Ethernec?

Any suggestions or links would be greatly appreciated,


 Topics Author  Date
  Help with EtherNEC Mint, Magxnet, or Sting  Crash 06-27-2007 05:52 

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