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 Subject: RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me
Author: Damion (
Date:   07-22-2007 04:54


Who me?

I know that many people seem to ask ridiculous prices for some things. Then again, some Atarians will pay top-dollar for thigns too.

Im firmly set on the idea that if someone wants £X for an Atari Item and another person is willing to pay that price, then its a fair deal.

I also do however hate the fact that Atari gear is still being sold for a stupid price thats is artificially and deliberately keeping the prices high.

 Topics Author  Date
  Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me? new FatRakoon 06-14-2007 04:45 
   RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new ggn 06-14-2007 09:10 
    RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new Peter 06-14-2007 09:56 
     RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new Miro Kropacek 06-15-2007 14:33 
      RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new ggn 06-15-2007 20:42 
      RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new Peter 06-18-2007 12:12 
      RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new Shalroth 06-26-2007 12:14 
       RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new ggn 06-26-2007 14:23 
        RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new Damion 07-22-2007 04:51 
    RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new The Paranoid 06-14-2007 21:32 
     RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me  Damion 07-22-2007 04:54 
   RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new James 06-14-2007 14:03 
    RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new Damion 07-22-2007 04:55 
   RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new Shalroth 06-14-2007 15:35 
    RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new ggn 06-14-2007 16:47 
     RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new gwiz 06-14-2007 23:29 
      RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new Damion 07-22-2007 04:59 
       RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new GWiz 07-22-2007 14:34 
    RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new Damion 07-22-2007 04:56 
    RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new Damion 07-29-2007 16:44 
     RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new GWiz 07-29-2007 23:33 
   RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new samf 06-15-2007 05:00 
    RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new Damion 07-22-2007 05:00 
   RE: Anyway care to evaluate some Atari gear for me new Damion 07-29-2007 16:45 

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