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 Subject: RE: convinient way of checking installed ram in an
Author: Miro Kropacek (
Date:   12-15-2007 14:05

there's a way -- but it works only in TOS >= 2.05 I think -- in "Desktop info" menu entry (that one where you assign keys for various actions from menu) is an entry which shows you the total available RAM -- it's a bit fewer than real (since desktop eats RAM itself) but it should be enough to determine 2/4 MB difference..

 Topics Author  Date
  convinient way of checking installed ram in an STe new KalasMannen 12-14-2007 18:54 
   RE: convinient way of checking installed ram in an new The Paranoid 12-14-2007 21:02 
    RE: convinient way of checking installed ram in an new KalasMannen 12-15-2007 02:03 
     RE: convinient way of checking installed ram in an  Miro Kropacek 12-15-2007 14:05 
      RE: convinient way of checking installed ram in an new TTeclado 12-17-2007 09:23 

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