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 Subject: WANTED: Small SCSI HD & CD Case
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   01-29-2008 17:06

Im sorting out my old STE, and in order to try to tidy it u pa tad, Im after a small as possible SCSI Case that will let me use a CD and a HD in the one box.

Previously, I have used small AT Cases and these are a great option, more recently, I bought a shuttle case and that did the job brilliantly, but I really want one that suits the Atari.

2 part question :-

1 - Does anyone have anything suitable for me?
2 - No, I mean cheaper than that.

Its only for an STE as I said.

I have a couple of external cases... 2 CDROMS and a Gasteiner "toaster" and I have external terminators etc, but I dont have the external Centronics to Centronics cable even if I wanted to use those, I cannot... Not together anyway.

 Topics Author  Date
  WANTED: Small SCSI HD & CD Case  FatRakoon 01-29-2008 17:06 
   RE: WANTED: Small SCSI HD & CD Case new vlg 01-29-2008 19:43 
    > new FatRakoon 01-29-2008 20:35 
   RE: WANTED: Small SCSI HD & CD Case new FatRakoon 02-04-2008 14:10 

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