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 Subject: RE: shalroth - no more linux...
Author: Reimund (
Date:   07-26-2000 22:19

Hi there ...

...would be really nice if you´d send it to me i think i could use it,

i think to get a quick texturemapping
a ´dynamically compiling texturemapper´ would be best on the 68000cpu as it´s
the technique id-soft used in their wolf to run on 286cpus...

this is a kind of texturemapper wich ´compiles´ texturemappers for any sliver-
height in runtime using a huge table with rounded int-y-texture-positions
i think on the st it could be faster than a looping one (the only problem is that
you spend alot of memory/cache for this texturemapper - no cache on st , right ?)

i also know that ´unique developments sweden´ left away their texturemapping
in substation to make it fast but they reduced the screenrez to virtual 160 x 200
pixels (doubeling pixels vertically), too.

but hey look : wolf runs on shitty 286 cpus and it will run smooth on a 386sx with
16mhz , if you don´t resize the gamewindow !!!

and i think there isn´t a great difference of cpu-architecture between 386sx <-> 68k !!

about linux68k: i downloaded the archive , but it doesn´t boot on my mega II -
i see the bootup screen until it loads data into the ramdisk
´loading 512 blocks into ramdisk´ then it stops... the guy who
recopmiled it only tested it on an emulator !


Shalroth wrote:
Hm.. I don't remember seeing that - my knowledge of 680x0 Linux comes from very very old ST format magazin! It shoul;dn't be *that* hard, the MMU is only involved in protect mode (or the equivelant on 68K - supervisor? I forget) memory paging for virtual memory, and if you have enough RAM then I suppose you don't need swapspace?

Excellent to hear about your raymapper :)) that was quick! Remember SubStation? an 8MHz ST/E can render 25 frames of gouraud shaded walls with light-sourced scaling sprites per second! I can send you technical infos on the Blitter chip if you need it.



 Topics Author  Date
  Linux 68k on the ST ? new Reimund 07-25-2000 01:13 
   RE: Linux 68k on the ST ? new Shalroth 07-25-2000 13:20 
    RE: schalroth new Reimund 07-26-2000 01:31 
     Hey i got it new Reimund 07-26-2000 06:41 
     RE: schalroth new Shalroth 07-26-2000 21:32 
      RE: shalroth - no more linux...  Reimund 07-26-2000 22:19 
       RE: shalroth - no more linux... new Anders Eriksson 07-27-2000 01:55 
        Anders Eriksson.. new Reimund 07-27-2000 02:41 

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