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 Subject: Technical Support
Author: Brian (
Date:   08-01-2008 17:20

I have to say, that while the messages on this forum have went down, the people who answer my questions have been fantastic with their knowledge.

These computers are getting long of tooth, and it seems that this past year, all of mine have been acting up 2 or 3 times each.

People here have helped me with my Falcons, video, hard drive, power supply and CDrom difficulties. As well as my TT hard drive and video problems.

Each time, I think, "man this is it", "will have to bury the Fuji". Then I do one posting here, and I get some great help and I am a happy camper again.

Just a thanks to all the helpful people who have offered their advice to me this past year.

Later Brian

 Topics Author  Date
  Technical Support  Brian 08-01-2008 17:20 

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