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 Subject: Drum machine
Author: Scott (
Date:   08-09-2008 23:53

I'd like a drum machine.....

I'm too scared to buy anything cos I don't know what is a good one.

I did buy a USB roll up drum machine that plugs into my pc.

Why do I bother! USB is just the worst thing since unevenly sliced bread.

When trying to play the USB drums, it's just the reaction time is slow & beats get missed!

But I'd love to hook up drum pads to my st & have my st be a drum machine!

If I rewire the USB to the joystick port.... maybe even the advanced joystick port on the STE, then I need a program to be able to load samples.

I could write myself a program of some kind.... in 16 bit Basic (Atari 800xl), but I never got on with programming for the ST.

Anyone fancy writing a drum machine program for me?

Or any better ideas?

 Topics Author  Date
  Drum machine  Scott 08-09-2008 23:53 
   RE: Drum machine new GWiz 08-10-2008 19:58 
   RE: Drum machine new Tobias Jansson 08-11-2008 09:02 

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