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 Subject: RE: Additional Modules for Cubase
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   10-05-2008 01:48

I know of that yes, and indeed I have downloaded it.

It runs just fine yes.

Its called LITE for a good reason, there is many things missing from it, and it has only 16 Channels, however...

If you dont compare it to the fll versions of CuBase, you wont see / know what you are missing and as for 16 Channels, this is not really THAT much of a hassle... Not really.

So,m yes, its a good program, but I need the extra stuff, I like the idea of lots of tracks cos I am constantly trying out various bits and bobs, and I like to keep as much as I can, on the various tracks, muted of course, but I often go back to here or there, unmute ( obviously ) and have a re-try at it from whatever angle... I need this... In truth I need it because I am so crap at playing the keyboards but I have great ideas and it takes so many attempts before I get what in my had, down on the keyboard... Im sure you know wher I am coming from on that one!

 Topics Author  Date
  Additional Modules for Cubase new Jean Pat 07-14-2008 15:36 
   RE: Additional Modules for Cubase new ggn 07-17-2008 12:48 
    RE: Additional Modules for Cubase new Tito Teclado 07-17-2008 12:53 
     RE: Additional Modules for Cubase new DOCs 07-17-2008 21:20 
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       RE: Additional Modules for Cubase new Strider 07-24-2008 10:32 
        RE: Additional Modules for Cubase new Wayne 07-30-2008 19:04 
         RE: Additional Modules for Cubase new DOCs 08-13-2008 18:39 
          RE: Additional Modules for Cubase new Wayne 08-13-2008 23:23 
   RE: Additional Modules for Cubase new FatRakoon 07-17-2008 19:02 
    RE: Additional Modules for Cubase new Shalroth 08-25-2008 22:14 
     RE: Additional Modules for Cubase  FatRakoon 10-05-2008 01:48 

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