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 Subject: RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes
Author: David (
Date:   02-13-2011 07:56

I have recently been playing with the 68SEC000 chips rated at 20MHz and have successfully had them running at 40MHz without feeling warm, and 56MHz without needing a heat sink, with a heat sink and fan I have ran the 68SEC000 at 80MHz (4x rated speed). Though admittedly this is all on a home made test board, I do not see how you could put it in an existing system unless you made a cache board for it keeping the bus speed to the system down.

I have heard of people running the minimig (witch is based on the 68SEC000) at up to 56MHz, though the CPU clock on the minimig is asynchronous to the system clock (at least as I understand it).

Ok I will grant you that no early generation 68000/68EC000/68HC000 has any chance of exceding 24MHz, though the 68SEC000 does, and a darned good job at it.

 Topics Author  Date
  Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new Elliot 01-02-2002 16:44 
   RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new Anders S 01-02-2002 20:20 
    RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new stimpy 01-02-2002 22:52 
     RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new Elliot 01-02-2002 23:08 
      RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new Anders S 01-03-2002 01:41 
       RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new FatRakoon 01-03-2002 03:30 
        RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new Anders S 01-03-2002 05:18 
         RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new stimpy 01-03-2002 19:48 
          RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new Anders S 01-03-2002 21:14 
           RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new stimpy 01-03-2002 22:17 
          RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new FatRakoon 01-03-2002 21:23 
           RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new Anders S 01-03-2002 23:42 
           "New" 68K CPU new Anders S 01-04-2002 04:03 
            RE: "New" 68K CPU new FatRakoon 01-04-2002 04:51 
             RE: "New" 68K CPU new Shalroth 01-10-2002 17:31 
              RE: "New" 68K CPU new Anders S 01-10-2002 23:13 
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            correction new Anders S 01-04-2002 14:04 
             RE: correction new Fat Rakoon 01-04-2002 19:36 
              Screenshot new Anders S 01-09-2002 22:48 
             RE: correction new Shalroth 01-11-2002 13:24 
         RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes  David 02-13-2011 07:56 
        RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new Elliot 01-03-2002 09:52 
         RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new FatRakoon 01-04-2002 05:01 
          RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new Elliot 01-05-2002 18:07 
           RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new Anders S 01-05-2002 22:37 
            RE: Overclocking? 56MHz & 64MHz modes new Elliot 01-07-2002 14:54 

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