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 Subject: RE: CuBase Audio without FDI
Author: Damion (
Date:   08-18-2020 04:25

And, it does not matter now!

I have taken it apart, cleaned it up and resoldered a few points that looked like they could do with it ( It is imaculate and perfect but I did it anyway )

I have checked the port in the Atari itself and resoldered the pins to make sure that they are 100% and I have touched the soldering iron onto the wires in the cables.

Its been workign again today.

Could be pure luck, could have been a sodler joint, or it could be a combination.

But its working perfectly again.

 Topics Author  Date
  CuBase Audio without FDI new Damion 08-17-2020 00:08 
   RE: CuBase Audio without FDI  Damion 08-18-2020 04:25 

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