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 Subject: From despair to where
Author: Adriana (
Date:   01-30-2021 17:40

I was using my 4 Mb Ste the other day,

I enjoyed,

I wanted a detachable keyboard a while back, so it's a very delicate job and I removed the top of the casing.

We needed the Atari for sound capture, I used Mastersound sound cartridge.

I have 720k floppy, (luckily a nice hard drive though noisy)

STZip took 25 minutes each time to zip a file, but it's reliable and reliable I appreciate.

I wish I had a room with the st set up ready to go, but that is currently impractical, with family members, varying ages and space issues.

 Topics Author  Date
  From despair to where  Adriana 01-30-2021 17:40 
   RE: From despair to where new Anthony 05-02-2021 11:17 
    RE: From despair to where new Trophy 05-25-2021 08:58 
     RE: From despair to where new Adriana 10-13-2021 19:10 

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