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 Subject: RE: Atari Tv connection
Author: The Paranoid (
Date:   04-25-2021 19:18

The Atari STE and Falcon030 have composite out but not in form of cinch connectors. The composite out is one line of the monitor socket. You need an appropriate cable, e.g. SCART.
You will find the monitor socket pin assignment easily with your preferred search engine.

The cinch connector on the STE and Falcon carries the RF modulated signal.

The Paranoid / Paradox

 Topics Author  Date
  Atari Tv connection new Anthony 04-25-2021 14:52 
   RE: Atari Tv connection  The Paranoid 04-25-2021 19:18 
    RE: Atari Tv connection new Anthony 04-26-2021 07:26 
     RE: Atari Tv connection new The Paranoid 04-26-2021 23:21 
      RE: Atari Tv connection new Anthony 04-27-2021 14:58 
       RE: Atari Tv connection new The Paranoid 04-27-2021 22:30 
        RE: Atari Tv connection new Anthony 04-28-2021 05:05 
         RE: Atari Tv connection/ Older video new Anthony 05-04-2021 12:42 

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