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 Subject: RE: TOS Clones
Author: Flash/FLC (
Date:   09-29-2001 06:46

Sure, hereīs some ideas from our own project:

The motherboard should be as close to an
"Falcon-copy" as possible, in order to remain
compatibility. Then we wonīt have to do too
much changes/patches in the TOS...

Most important hardware changes would be:

* full 32 bit buses (BOTH data & adress)
* SDRAM controller
* Possibly a PCI bridge?

We will have to find a suitable replacement
for the 16 bit COMBEL, or use two of them.

There should be a CPU card socket,
so we can swap 030/040/060/other, as will.

The DSP should be socketed too, there are
new chips being developed all the time.
The most suitable replacement right now
should be the DSP56302, running at 100MHZ.

Some Big flashROMs, able to store both
TOS and MagiC/MINT, for instant swapping.
And another flashROM for the desktop.(Jinnee, thing...)
Then the machine will be able to perform a
boot up, even if the harddrive drops dead.
(try to do that with a pese... ;)

We donīt like the emulating of CPUīs, so
We are trying to build a couple of special
CPU cards, with multiplexed clock signals;

One with four 030īs on, haveing 50MHZ each
from a 200MHZ clock oscillator...
-this card should act like an 200MHZ 68030!

One with two 040īs on, haveing 66MHZ each
from a 133MHZ osc. If this turns out OK, then
we will build a new card with FOUR 040īs...

The 060 is too expensive for such experiments
but if the 4X040 card works, then we will
attack the 060 next time. -Is this exciting??

Well, thatīs what we are on to.
Maybe some of these ideas will suit?

/The FlashLabs Crew/

 Topics Author  Date
  TOS Clones new Fenix 09-28-2001 14:41 
   RE: TOS Clones new Fat Rakoon 09-28-2001 19:59 
    RE: TOS Clones new Shiuming Lai 09-30-2001 00:38 
     RE: TOS Clones new FatRakoon 09-30-2001 03:17 
      RE: TOS Clones new Nick 09-30-2001 11:08 
     RE: TOS Clones new FatRakoon 09-30-2001 03:19 
      RE: TOS Clones new saif 09-30-2001 09:46 
   RE: TOS Clones new George 09-29-2001 03:40 
    RE: TOS Clones  Flash/FLC 09-29-2001 06:46 
     RE: TOS Clones new saif 09-29-2001 19:03 
      RE: TOS Clones & Old Games new Shane 09-29-2001 19:19 
       RE: TOS Clones & Old Games new GokMasE 10-01-2001 07:30 
     RE: TOS Clones new trophy 09-30-2001 02:32 
     RE: TOS Clones new Lord Gaiyan 09-30-2001 04:44 

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