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 Subject: RE: SCSI drives
Author: Joshua Kaijankoski (
Date:   09-13-2002 22:10

MFM (Modified Frequency Modulation)
This is the original type of hard drive found on PCs. MFM refers to the method of recording bits onto the media of the drive. These drives adhere to the ST-506 hard drive controller standard, which is based on early Seagate drive controllers.

RLL (Run Length Limited)
RLL drives and controllers also adhere to the ST-506 standard, and are a modification of the basic MFM recording.

RLL recording involves squeezing more bits into a track. This is accomplished by using a larger number of sectors (27 rather than 17 or 19), and requires a better quality drive medium than that required for MFM. RLL recording results in a roughly 50% increase in capacity over MFM recording, given the same physical hard drive.

It is the controller card that determines whether a drive is used with MFM or RLL encoding. MFM drives may be low-level formatted using an RLL controller, and vice versa. However, formatting a drive meant to be used as an MFM drive as RLL can (and usually does) result in disk errors and subsequent massive data loss. RLL drives can be used with MFM controllers without any problems. Drive manufacturers usually made two versions of otherwise identical drives, one having better magnetic media for RLL use. An example of such a pair would be the ST-225 and the ST-238.

 Topics Author  Date
  SCSI drives new (scsi) Drive me crazy 09-13-2002 16:11 
   RE: SCSI drives new Joshua Kaijankoski 09-13-2002 16:49 
    RE: SCSI drives new (scsi) Drive me crazy 09-13-2002 21:31 
     RE: SCSI drives new Joshua Kaijankoski 09-13-2002 21:48 
      RE: SCSI drives new Joshua Kaijankoski 09-13-2002 21:50 
       RE: SCSI drives new (scsi) Drive me crazy 09-13-2002 22:02 
        RE: SCSI drives  Joshua Kaijankoski 09-13-2002 22:10 
       RE: SCSI drives new Joacim Melin 09-15-2002 13:29 
        RE: SCSI drives new (scsi) Drive me Crazy 09-15-2002 23:11 
         RE: SCSI drives new Fenix 09-18-2002 15:23 
      RE: SCSI drives new Henrik Johansson 09-19-2002 11:25 

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