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 Subject: Atari Unix
Author: Mark (
Date:   02-07-2004 19:37

Hello all!

I was just wondering if anybody has a copy of Atari's Unix? Now I'm not trying to advocate piracy but does anybody have a copy? The reason I ask is because it wasn't widely bought at the time -not dogging it or anything but how many people wanted to run Unix at home- but I would hate to see it fade away. I have checked most of the Atari sites that came up in Google and I didn't see anybody actually have a copy. They had info on it or reviews or documentation but I think its an important part of Atari History and I would like to see it preserved.

If anybody has a copy could you drop me a line?


 Topics Author  Date
  Atari Unix new Mark 02-07-2004 19:37 
   RE: Atari Unix new TXG/MNX 02-09-2004 11:37 
    RE: Atari Unix new Ragstaff 02-09-2004 13:34 
     RE: Atari Unix new Ragstaff 02-16-2004 10:02 
      RE: Atari Unix new tero 02-16-2004 13:32 
       RE: Atari Unix new Ragstaff 02-16-2004 23:28 
   RE: Atari Unix new Mr. B.B.C. 02-09-2004 20:54 
    RE: Atari Unix new Anders Eriksson 02-12-2004 16:44 

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