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 Subject: DB 19 (female) falcon VGA plug - anyone got one?
Author: Chandler (
Date:   11-18-2007 16:59

evening peeps

can anyone help me here

i'm looking to make a monitor adaptor for me falcon! and need the 19 pin female "D" type plug which here in the UK are impossible to find

i have the other one ok

so if anyone can sell/send me one that would be great!

please let me know

 Topics Author  Date
  DB 19 (female) falcon VGA plug - anyone got one? new Chandler 11-18-2007 16:59 
   RE: DB 19 (female) falcon VGA plug - anyone got on new Christos 11-18-2007 18:08 
    RE: DB 19 (female) falcon VGA plug - anyone got on new shalroth 01-08-2008 18:57 
   RE: DB 19 (female) falcon VGA plug - anyone got on new Zarkof 11-19-2007 11:54 
   RE: DB 19 (female) falcon VGA plug - anyone got on new Fenix 11-24-2007 00:53 
   RE: DB 19 (female) falcon VGA plug - anyone got on new FatRakoon 12-02-2007 18:39 

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