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 Subject: games + demos for falcon
Author: Chris (
Date:   07-31-2002 12:42

I like some advice.
Are there any good action arcade style games for the falcon (with enhanced graphics and sound).
I like R-type style, platform and double dragon style games. The ST games I have don't seem to run on my Falcon (even with special emu progs (Tos 4.01)).

Does anyone know if there are demos for the Falcon in the style of "state of the art" and the "9 fingers" demo on the Amiga 500.



 Topics Author  Date
  games + demos for falcon new Chris 07-31-2002 12:42 
   RE: games + demos for falcon new havoc 07-31-2002 13:14 
    RE: games + demos for falcon new Chris 07-31-2002 19:21 
     RE: games + demos for falcon new havoc 07-31-2002 20:11 
      RE: games + demos for falcon new Chris 08-01-2002 11:51 
       RE: games + demos for falcon new havoc 08-01-2002 12:06 
        RE: games + demos for falcon new Ragstaff 08-01-2002 15:47 
         RE: games + demos for falcon new havoc 08-01-2002 16:09 
          RE: games + demos for falcon new defjam 08-01-2002 17:35 
           RE: games + demos for falcon new havoc 08-01-2002 18:03 
           RE: games + demos for falcon new earx 08-01-2002 22:43 
            DOOM new Elliot 08-02-2002 10:35 
             RE: DOOM new Patrice Mandin 08-02-2002 10:51 
              RE: DOOM new Elliot 08-03-2002 13:01 
               RE: DOOM new Patrice Mandin 08-03-2002 20:56 
                RE: DOOM new Elliot 08-03-2002 21:11 
             RE: DOOM new Anders Eriksson 08-03-2002 12:54 
              RE: DOOM new Elliot 08-03-2002 13:03 
               RE: DOOM new deez 08-05-2002 02:16 
                RE: DOOM new Vido 08-05-2002 08:46 
                 RE: DOOM new Shalroth 08-07-2002 16:19 
      RE: games + demos for falcon new Lyndon Amsdon 08-01-2002 19:28 

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