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 Subject: RE: ROM -> DISK
Author: Nesaukee (
Date:   03-03-2003 18:34

Back in the 80's I used a utility called 8/16K Cart Copy, but as the name suggests it only copies carts up to 16K. It seemed strange my copy of Gateway to Apshai didn't work right until I realized it was a 32K cart. Its very, very difficult to load a cart copy program off disk and expect to slide a ROM into the slot and not crash the computer. The 800 was good at being able to do this, assuming the fliptop switch was jammed shut. The best way to copy a cart on an Atari 8-bit was a piggyback cart. Yup, there was a cartridge called "The Pill" that could accept another cartridge plugged in on top of it. Although hell would freeze over before anyone would find one for sale.

Funny, I was just looking at a web site who has a ROM project going. This guy has a cartridge copy utility that loads off a 410/1010 tape recorder. He claims that most Atari cartridges after insertion will still allow the user to hold down the Start button while turning on the computer to load a bootable binary program off tape. I havn't tried it myself. If you want to research this, look here:

Most Atari cartridges over 16K have built in copy protection to prevent reading banks over 16K so beware.

 Topics Author  Date
  ROM -> DISK new Gh0sTly 02-28-2003 01:05 
   RE: ROM -> DISK  Nesaukee 03-03-2003 18:34 
   RE: ROM -> DISK new John Puzio 04-05-2003 11:54 

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