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 Subject: Atari BBS's
Author: Doc Clu 800 (
Date:   01-04-2005 15:26

Happy New Year Everyone!

Just wanted to let everyone know there are some Atari BBS's out there, and they need more good users to get them hopping in the year to come.

They are reachable over telnet...

Boot Factory 2000

Closer To Home

You can telnet from your typical PC and reach the ATASCII graphics with this program...

Or with a REAL Atari computer you can get there the following ways...

1) Using the APE interface software and tapping into the PC gateway. Software findable at...

2) There are various serial to ethernet adaptors out there like the lantronix UDS-10 that are good at emulating a modem, and yet letting you call IP addresses.

3) There are BBS's out there that allow you to telnet from their site. Granted this would incur long distance charges, but such locations are...
Family-Net BBS

Prison Board BBS
(972) 329-0781

And there are other ways, but those are the ones I know of.

Please.. enjoy Atari BBS's and preferably on a Atari! They are still out there. Enjoy the fun once again.

Doc Clu 800

Oh, and there will be drawings and prizes throughout the year. See the above two BBS's for more details.

 Topics Author  Date
  Atari BBS's  Doc Clu 800 01-04-2005 15:26 
   RE: Atari BBS's new backtoskooldaze 04-14-2005 13:16 

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