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 Subject: 4 players on 800xl
Author: Monstercoo (
Date:   02-03-2005 23:23

To my understanding, the Atari 800 has 4 controller ports, while the Atari 800xl only has 2... even though the xl is a later generation system.

For a development project at my University, we need to create a 4 player game, using basic. I'd like to do dev on the xl, but Im not sure if I can get 4 joystick support in basic. Im not even sure if its possible for 4 joysticks to be hooked up to the 800xl and be reconized in the same way they are for the Atari 800.

Does anyone have any insight on this? Thanks!

 Topics Author  Date
  4 players on 800xl  Monstercoo 02-03-2005 23:23 
   RE: 4 players on 800xl new Avram 02-12-2005 22:51 

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