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 Subject: Sesame Street Games for the 5200
Author: Etan Ben-Ami (
Date:   02-11-2005 07:07

Nearly 25 years ago, I was the programmer and main designer for a game called "Sesame Street Letter-Go-Round" on the 5200. There were two other games produced by our group at CTW: "Big Bird's Hide and Seek" and "Astro-Grover". Drew Ruscil did music, Hilary ??? and Josie ??? did art and Lary Rosenblat was our line producer.

Yesterday, I found one of our old EPROM cartridges and some controller overlays. But I don't have a machine to play them on.

If someone has any of these running under emulation and can help me get them running at home, I would be really grateful.

I'd be thrilled to have this link to my personal/professional history.

Etan Ben-Ami
Detroit, MI

 Topics Author  Date
  Sesame Street Games for the 5200  Etan Ben-Ami 02-11-2005 07:07 
   RE: Sesame Street Games for the 5200 new mr.bacardi 02-11-2005 10:55 

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