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 Subject: RE: 800xl online
Author: backtoskooldaze (
Date:   04-14-2005 13:13

Hi Jim,Thanks for your reply :) I think the APE is easier and better as it will not cost anything to access a bbs oppose to using the atari with modem etc... but i do like to try things the way they were LOL
I have my atari hooked up to a xm301 atari modem and i have XE term software and from reading from the manual which is very easy to understand all i need now is a bbs telephone number to dial?
So if anyone has a bbs site for the atari xl/xe and has a telephone number i would appreciate it if i can access your site?

Cheers :)

 Topics Author  Date
  800xl online new backtoskooldaze 03-31-2005 23:57 
   RE: 800xl online new Jim Denson 04-12-2005 16:11 
    RE: 800xl online  backtoskooldaze 04-14-2005 13:13 
     RE: 800xl online new Jim Denson 04-15-2005 02:29 

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