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 Subject: Looking for Atari 800 - any for sale?
Author: Scott G (
Date:   06-07-2008 05:26

I'm looking for a complete Atari 800 system for sale, in good condition, with peripherals. Preferably with software.

I'm regretting giving my system away in the 80s as nostalgia sweeps over me.

Will prepay with shipping costs through Paypal.

Any takers?

 Topics Author  Date
  Looking for Atari 800 - any for sale?  Scott G 06-07-2008 05:26 
   RE: Looking for Atari 800 - any for sale? new Lyverbe 06-17-2008 14:34 
    RE: Looking for Atari 800 - any for sale? new Miles Fiala 08-21-2008 00:39 
   RE: Looking for Atari 800 - any for sale? new Miles Fiala 08-21-2008 00:31 
    RE: Looking for Atari 800 - any for sale? new Miles Fiala 08-21-2008 00:35 
     RE: Looking for Atari 800 - any for sale? new Miles Fiala 08-21-2008 00:38 
   RE: Looking for Atari 800 - any for sale? new randy viau 10-30-2008 03:25 
   RE: Looking for Atari 800 - any for sale? new Mo Brooks 11-23-2008 21:20 
    RE: Looking for Atari 800 - any for sale? new Emerito Pinto 12-20-2008 23:50 

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