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 Subject: RE: Atari 800 needs new home
Author: Doctor Clu (
Date:   05-05-2011 23:12

Wow... quite a setup you had there. :) Light Pen, clock cartridge. The XF551's and the Axlon 128k cart are cool.

And SpartaDos for the 800 (beige)? Nice!!

Doc Clu
(Atari 800 user)

 Topics Author  Date
  Atari 800 needs new home new David Moore 07-25-2010 23:39 
   RE: Atari 800 needs new home new sam 08-04-2010 10:21 
    RE: Atari 800 needs new home new Dave Moore 08-07-2010 05:57 
     RE: Atari 800 needs new home new Daniel Lee 08-09-2010 11:15 
      RE: Atari 800 needs new home new David Moore 08-10-2010 05:29 
   RE: Atari 800 needs new home new Bobby 08-13-2010 22:12 
    RE: Atari 800 needs new home new Dave Moore 08-22-2010 05:30 
     RE: Atari 800 needs new home new Bobby 09-16-2010 04:20 
     RE: Atari 800 needs new home new Bobby 12-17-2010 07:11 
   RE: Atari 800 needs new home  Doctor Clu 05-05-2011 23:12 

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