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 Subject: RE: Atari DOS 2.5 Disk needed
Author: Lyverbe (
Date:   07-19-2011 04:45

I remember trying all sorts of things to transfer my Atari 8-bit material to my PC. The only way I was successfully able to do it (if I remember correctly) was to connect my Atari modem to the phone jack and my PC modem to another phone jack. Sounds stupid, but hey, it worked. I didn't have to dial any number, but do some sort of direct connection. I had sold my 850 interface back then so the only modem I could use was by good old XM301 (300 bauds) modem. That took a while :)

I don't exactly remember the software used though. That was like 10 years ago.

 Topics Author  Date
  Atari DOS 2.5 Disk needed new David 07-17-2011 10:05 
   RE: Atari DOS 2.5 Disk needed new Lyverbe 07-18-2011 13:48 
    RE: Atari DOS 2.5 Disk needed new David Aliaga 07-18-2011 23:33 
     RE: Atari DOS 2.5 Disk needed  Lyverbe 07-19-2011 04:45 
      RE: Atari DOS 2.5 Disk needed new David Aliaga 07-19-2011 19:17 
       RE: Atari DOS 2.5 Disk needed new Gwobby 07-20-2011 12:12 
        RE: Atari DOS 2.5 Disk needed new David Aliaga 07-20-2011 21:51 
         RE: Atari DOS 2.5 Disk needed new fibrewire 08-11-2011 06:40 
   RE: Atari DOS 2.5 Disk needed new randy viau 02-22-2012 21:13 

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