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 Subject: RE: Bit3 80 Column Mode with ATR8000
Author: David Small (
Date:   06-08-2014 04:09

Hi again --

I did a bit of web surfing looking for code. I tripped over some useful stuff!

There's a few lines of BASIC code that will kick on the Bit-3. You'll find them at:

There's an article about how we used a Bit-3 to do debugging, which is in ANTIC:

There are many details of the Bit-3 which I had long forgotten, and they're in that article.

There's also a discussion of the Bit-3, what monitors work with it, and so forth, at:

At that site there are also Bit-3's manuals.

Thank you to everyone for keeping this information around!

Take care, Jason. Let me know how it works for you!

-- thanks,

David Small

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   RE: Bit3 80 Column Mode with ATR8000  David Small 06-08-2014 04:09 

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