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 Subject: Atari800XL in hospital use (!!!!!) READ!
Author: Sulphur Fury (
Date:   12-18-2000 03:34

Here is a link to a web site describing how an Atari 800XL is used in treating heart patients at a hospital !!!!!!!!!!

Power without the price indeed.

Excerpt from article:

It's used in the child cardiocenter in the Faculty Hospital Motol for heart diagnosis. The technicians and doctors are looking for leaks between two parts of heart valves. The idea is to inject an isotope into the bloodstream, and screening its movement in the vascular system of the patient.

1) Computer [Atari 800XL] is started, program is loaded from cassette.
2) Entering the data of patient (name, birthdate, height, weight).
3) Entering the date & time of checkup.
4) Entering the age of the isotope.
5) Program computes the optimal amount of isotope.
6) The probes are pointed to certain places of patient's body.
7) Injection of isotope.
8) For 5 minutes the program records the data from the probes.
9) Saving the data to cassette.
10) Disconnecting the gamma interface, connecting the teletype interface.
11) Priting of the protocol to teletype.

The checkup could be done by usage of other gamma camera, but it takes about 1 hour and the amount of isotope needs to be higher.


4 gamma probes
Atari 800 XL
Atari XC 12 datasette with Turbo2000
teletype T100
interface Atari <-> gamma probes (two joystick connectors)
interface Atari <-> teletype (one joystick connector)

Go to the site for more information and pictures of their setup at the hospital.

a loyal atarian,


 Topics Author  Date
  Atari800XL in hospital use (!!!!!) READ!  Sulphur Fury 12-18-2000 03:34 

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