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 Subject: Looking to buy 8 bit Atari
Author: Mark Wills (
Date:   02-04-2003 10:23

Hello. First let me introduce myself.

My name is Mark Wills, I am a 32 year computer programmer from the UK. I live in Shropshire (Telford).

I cut my teeth in the 80's with (in order) the TI/99-4A (great machine) the ZX Spectrum (48K), the Commodore 64, and, my favourite, the Atari 800XL.

Sadly, all my parents could afford was an 800XL with a 1010 tape drive, but it didn't hold me back and I became pretty good at Atari Basic, and player missle graphics, display lists, that sort of thing.

Anyway, the eldest of my children (he's 10) is now pretty computer literate and is starting to show a deeper interest in computers other than just playing games.

On sunday night I downloaded an Atari Emulator and we spent a couple of hours writing simple BASIC programs to do things like counting, and times tables etc. He enjoyed it and I think he understood most of the concepts eventually.

To cut a long story short, I think he has now been bitten with the same bug that I was bitten with in the 80's - And i'm obviously keen to do anything I can to promote that.

I'm looking to buy either a cheap 800XL or 130XE system for my son. Or, of course, if anyone is giving/throwing stuff away I'd be very keen :)

At this time, I don't think a disk drive is practical - I'll see how things go - If he shows a real geniune interest then I'll buy him a disk drive, but for now, a cassette deck will be fine. (He'll probably think it's really neat saving programs to tape! Ah, those were the days!)

Also, if anyone has any games/programs for the Atari on tape, and on cartridge, I'd like to hear from you. Please feel free to email me and let me know what you have, and what you want for it etc.

Sorry for the long post. I don't know about you guys, but I feel that although 'the children of today' (sounding my Dad here!) are computer literate, which is a good thing, they have no appreciation (and often don't care) how a computer works, or how computer software is made. They think Microsoft Office grew on a tree!

I am firmly of the opinion that in ten years, there will be a geniune programming skills gap, because at the moment, it's the people that grew up with home computers in the 80's that have the majority of programming positions - We WANTED to learn how to make those home computers do that stuff - We didn't have anything else - No internet, CD's were too expensive, designer clothes, mobile phones etc didn't exist.

It's a shame but there you go - It's easier to go and buy a game for your playstation than bother to write one yourself - That's progress I guess :)

It seems that programming is only introduced in the universities and colleges these days (at least, in the UK) - Whereas when I was 12-16 were tought programming on BBC model B machines at school as a matter of routine... Hmmm...

Anyway, i've waffled on too long - I am very keen to get a machine for my son (I *may* just have a *little* go on it myself! LOL) so if there's anyone out there has a cupboard full of 800XL's or 130XE's can you let me know!

Take care.

Mark Wills

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  Looking to buy 8 bit Atari  Mark Wills 02-04-2003 10:23 
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