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 Subject: Tons of disks and manuals looking for a home
Author: Ed Baker (
Date:   02-11-2003 21:38

I literally have hundreds of 3 1/2" atari disks both originals and copies along with hundreds of manuals for the majority of the programs, games, utilies, you name it. I also have at least three years of most of the ST magazines that were published in the late 80's. I also have tech manuals, how to books etc. I'm looking for a home for them. I would like to give them to a serious collector or organization that would use them and not just pick through them and toss the rest, you know what I mean. Right now I have them in three very large 21" TV size boxes. Cost of shipping would problably be cheapest using a freight service. You cover the EXACT costs of shipping (I'm just looking for a home for them so I don't have to toss them or give them to goodwill (which will just trash them). This offer stands for one week and then goodwill gets them. I have to get them out of the house (remodeling). If interested email me at ebaker1954@aol and we can set up a time to talk and make arrangments. Thanks
Ed Baker

 Topics Author  Date
  Tons of disks and manuals looking for a home  Ed Baker 02-11-2003 21:38 
   RE: Tons of disks and manuals looking for a home new Bobby 02-20-2003 08:12 
   RE: Tons of disks and manuals looking for a home new Dave Moyer 02-22-2003 22:41 

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