hi all,
I have closet full of ATARI COMPUTERS.
1-atari 400-with tuch pad keybord.
1-atari 800-regular keybord.
3-atari 1050 factory un-modified disk drives.
4-atari 1050 dubble density with archiver hi speed.360k 5.1/4in.
53-atari transformers 120volt to 9volt ac.
2 atari 8 bit prtinters.
50 atari 8bit cables.
6 atari xep80 (hi rez 80 colloum screen generator).
2 atari 850 serial Interface 5 ports. with cables.
5 sx hand made serial interfaces 9600 baud.
3 keybord atari to Ibm interface kits 8bit for 600/800xl/130xe.
7 atari 800xl computers 2 regular 4 are upgraded to256k.and 1 has the IBM keybord upgrade and 256k mem.
1 ICD cartridge sparta dos. operating system. needs 32k or better mem.
1 ICD clock cartridge. new battery!
1 atari 360k xf551 disk drive..can be replaced with 720k drive. 3 1/2.
or it will drive 2 drives 5.1/4 and 3.1/2 will format to 360k . 720k with robert puff upgrade. from CSS .rockester New YORK.
21 joy sticks diffrent models.
2 track balls
5 mouse for use with dimond dos graphic operating system. looks like a 1040st.
on your 8 bit.
2 tuch pad drawing cartridge and board and pen.
1 cart for diagnostic (repairs and memory repairs) 8bit.
and all cables RF and video output.
CANADA and USA only 120volt 60hz only.