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 Subject: New Atari Retro web site
Author: Simon (
Date:   08-10-2013 17:52

I'd like to share a like to a site that covers old Atari computers from the 8bits like 400/800s all the way up to the Falcon and Atari consoles from the Atari 2600 to 7800.

It's pretty comprehensive and does have other lesser machines like the Amigas...

The site is

 Topics Author  Date
  New Atari Retro web site new Simon 08-10-2013 17:52 
   RE: New Atari Retro web site new Shalroth 08-24-2013 10:51 
    RE: New Atari Retro web site new Lyverbe 08-30-2013 01:59 
     RE: New Atari Retro web site new Shalroth 09-01-2013 09:43 
    RE: New Atari Retro web site new Brian 04-04-2014 12:13 
    RE: New Atari Retro web site new DrummerBoy 08-12-2019 03:58 
   RE: New Atari Retro web site new marian 08-24-2013 16:40 
    RE: New Atari Retro web site new Shalroth 09-01-2013 09:44 
    RE: New Atari Retro web site new Lyverbe 09-03-2013 13:24 
     RE: New Atari Retro web site new d3bug 07-27-2020 07:56 

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