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I recently acquired an ATR8000 and was able to get it hooked up to my Atari 800 and use it both as an Atari drive controller and to boot into CP/M.

My 800 has a Bit3 80 column card in it, and I understand that the ATR8000 CP/M terminal emulator can support this, but I have no documentation of how to enable 80 column mode when going into CP/M.

Does anyone here have some information of how to do this that they could share with me?


Jason Harmon

 Topics Author  Date
  Bit3 80 Column Mode with ATR8000 new Jason Harmon 11-07-2013 18:42 
   Bit-3 80 column board for 8-bit new David Small 06-08-2014 03:45 
    RE: Bit-3 80 column board for 8-bit new Jason Harmon 06-13-2014 21:49 
   RE: Bit3 80 Column Mode with ATR8000 new David Small 06-08-2014 04:09 
    RE: Bit3 80 Column Mode with ATR8000 new Ken Barten 05-20-2015 17:33 
     RE: Bit3 80 Column Mode with ATR8000 new Ken Barten 05-20-2015 18:35 
   RE: Bit3 80 Column Mode with ATR8000 new David Small 06-08-2014 04:09 

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