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I finished a batch of my minimalistic and Low Cost General Purpose Fujinet v1.6

These are called general purpose, due to the interface its not only dedicated to Atari 8 bits computers;
the unit is detachable, a DB15 to SIO, DB15 to DIN6, DB15 to RJ12, DB15 to DB19...
allows you to connect the Fujinet v1.6 to each supported (currently or future) computer such Atari 8 bits - Commodore 64 - Coleco Adam

The unit includes all the hardware elements of Fujinet v1.6, also the Coleco Adam interface components.

Via jumpers, you can select the desired operation, if Atari 8 bits SIO (C64 as well) or if you desire Coleco Adam Interface.

As well, the unit can be powered externally, or via the SIO interface. There is a jumper to change this selection.

The USB interface is included, in order to update the device.

Microcontroller is the same, an ESP32 WROVER with 16 MB flash and 8 MB PSRAM

An image of the device:

A video of the device used in an Atari 65XE:

Price of an unit if 59€ (comes with an Atari SIO cable); (Original Fujinet cost between 100€ and 80€)
each additional cable such C64 - Coleco Adam takes 8€ per cable

plus 6€ of tracked shipment to Spain, or 9€ for Europe, or 10€ for USA, or 11€ for rest of the world.

Atari Forum thread:

 Topics Author  Date
  Low Cost Fujinet v1.6 - Includes USB and Coleco Ad new Masteries 02-26-2022 19:37 

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