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 Subject: Selling my Atari 2700
Author: Matt (
Date:   11-04-2011 17:21

Hi Everyone,

I have an Atari 2700 that I want to sell. Yes, an Atari 2700! The console is in good shape and it actually works. I'm going to be putting it up on ebay pretty soon but wanted to see if there was any interest here first. Not sure how much I should ask for it- so any advice on that would be much appreciated.
I have pictures of it that I can send people but need to get it all set up again to get pictures of it working. I don't really want to sell it but dental insurance doesn't cover much.


 Topics Author  Date
  Selling my Atari 2700  Matt 11-04-2011 17:21 
   RE: 2700 for sale new Greg 06-22-2012 03:18 
   RE: Selling my Atari 2700 new Ken 08-20-2015 05:02 
   RE: Selling my Atari 2700 new Ken 08-20-2015 05:03 

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